Dulong Notebook


Dulong's notebook is made of FSC * eco-labeled quality paper, it is hardback-bound with a nubruk-like cover, which gives an exclusive look and makes the book beautiful to have lying on the coffee table or bedside table.
Write your wishes, visions or dreams down on the pages with a gold border in the notebook from Dulong Fine Jewelry.
* Forest Stewardship Council is an international non-profit membership organization. The organization's main task is to promote sustainable forestry and economic viability in the forests of the world as well as ensure the social rights of forest workers.

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Versand nach Dänemark: Kostenloser Versand.
Versand innerhalb der EU: Kostenloser Versand, ausgenommen Zypern, Malta, die Kanarischen Inseln und Irland – für diese Ziele gelten Versandkosten wie außerhalb der EU.
Versand außerhalb der EU: 150.-